Tag: DIY

Mental Shifts When You’re Getting into DIY

When people decide to get into the “DIY lifestyle”, they are often extremely excited and gung ho about picking up their first set of...

Making Less Count For More In Your DIY Tool Kit

Does your DIY tool kit contain all that you need?

Funding Your Next DIY Project

Funding your next DIY project can make your dream feel unachievable. Here are several easy ways to save money for that goal.

4 DIY Tips For Updating Your Kitchen On A Budget

As you pass through your kitchen feeling agitated and disappointed with your outdated surroundings, the heart of your home has perhaps been demoted to a less useful organ, like an appendix.

Dealing with the Little Home Jobs That Drive You Nuts

Now, come on, be honest! We all have a list of annoying, but not urgent little home jobs around the home that need to...

6 Genius Hacks for Better Bathroom Storage

Stop complaining about your bathroom’s limited space! There are several storage measures you can consider to create that much-needed extra space.