Tag: Dehydrating

Red Clover: Discovering the healthy benefits of this common “weed”

Clover, specifically red clover (Trifolium pratense), offers a plethora of hidden health benefits which work with a natural wellness routine.

Dehydrate Potatoes in Your Electric Dehydrator in 4 Easy Steps

You can dehydrate potatoes for longer-term storage in just four easy steps. Build your cache of emergency supplies on just a couple dollars.

How to Dehydrate Healthy Apple Slices in 5 Easy Steps

If you have an orchard or farmer's market nearby, plan to dehydrate apples when they are in season. They are easy to preserve and taste great!

A Gardener’s Guide to Growing, Using, And Storing Sweet Basil

Sweet basil holds a spot in the hearts of most gardeners. Here's how to grow this herb, store it for off-season, and use it (so versatile)!