10 Incredibly Healthy Reasons for Drinking Coffee Every Day


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How many times have you heard someone say, “Drinking coffee is bad for your health?” If I were a betting gal, I’d say a lot.

Caffeine, the main ingredient in coffee, stimulates anxiety and restlessness and could cause insomnia in some individuals. But that doesn’t mean coffee is bad. It just means coffee is not a great option for some people who are caffeine sensitive.

The rest of the populace, however? Several studies and numerous researchers prove that coffee is surprisingly nutritious to both our bodies and minds.

How many times have you heard someone say, “When you drink coffee it is bad for your health?” If I were a betting gal, I’d say a lot.

Caffeine, the main ingredient in coffee, stimulates anxiety and restlessness and could cause insomnia in some individuals. But that doesn’t mean coffee is bad. It just means coffee is not a great option for some people who are caffeine sensitive.

The rest of the populace, however? Several studies and numerous researchers prove that coffee is surprisingly nutritious to both our bodies and minds.

Here are 10 healthy reasons to drink coffee every day.

You knew you had good reason to enjoy brewing up a cup of java!

1. Drinking Coffee Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

While caffeine is the main ingredient in coffee, it’s not the only one. Coffee contains magnesium and potassium; two very essential minerals needed for insulin production in the human body. They aid the secretion of insulin and also help to regulate glucose levels in the blood.

No wonder coffee drinkers enjoy a 25% lower risk of suffering from Type II diabetes, according to 2019 research!

2. It Also Increases Your Body’s Metabolism

If you’re intent on burning off excess fat, having a daily dose of coffee is the right place to start.

Caffeine helps your body break down fatty cells a lot faster and convert them to fuel for physical activities. It also helps to increase the body’s metabolic rate by almost 11%.

Aside from regulating your blood sugar level and helping to prevent diabetes, magnesium and potassium also help to reduce or curb your sugar cravings. So, in simple terms, coffee not only helps you burn fat and lose weight, but it also ensures you remain fit and healthy.

So what are you waiting for? Ditch those fad diets and weight-loss plans. Stick with a cup of coffee (or two) every morning instead and marvel at the results.

3. Coffee Beans are Rich in Nutrients and Antioxidants

We’ve talked about the exciting benefits of magnesium, potassium, and caffeine, but these three are not the only goodies that you will find in your morning a cup of coffee.

Drinking coffee every day injects you with vitamins B2, B3, and B5, manganese, and a boatload of antioxidants, ensuring your body remains nourished and extremely capable of fighting those pesky free radicals.

4. Coffee Is Good for Your Liver

Cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease characterized by scarring and eventual liver failure. Its two biggest causes are hepatitis and excessive intake of alcohol. Once the disease progresses to the advanced stage, a liver transplant becomes a matter of necessity.

But coffee drinkers don’t have to worry about this scary disease. A 2017 report states that drinking coffee regularly can lower your risk of contracting cirrhosis by up to 70%.

5. Drinking Coffee Lowers the Risk of Stroke

The chances of you being afflicted by stroke will be cut down by 20% if you take about 3 – 4 cups of coffee every day.

Additionally, several studies have proven that coffee helps stroke survivors regain their posture and balance.

These can be attributed to several factors. Coffee helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the blood and also contains antioxidants which are very helpful in protecting the body against stroke and assisting in recovery after a stroke incident.

coffee6. Caffeine Makes You Smart

Yes, really. It does.

Most mornings, your mind feels fuzzy and your brain clouded. Until the first cup of coffee hits your bloodstream and suddenly, your brain is firing on all cylinders.

That mental alertness and incisive focus that coffee gives are indisputable. But don’t take our word for it.

Research has proven time and time again that caffeine improves mental functions and overall brain capacity.

7. Energy Drinks Got Nothing on a Cup of Coffee

The benefits of coffee are not just restricted to brainpower; they encompass your physical performance as well.

Drinking coffee immediately raises your adrenaline levels and imbues you with a fresh burst of energy to tackle any task or activity.

It’s the reason why you can be maxed out after a trying day and 2 cups of coffee later, feel like you can take on the world.

So why shell out cash on energy drinks before visiting the gym when a cup of black coffee is all the juice you need?

8. Drink Coffee, Prevent Cancer

Prostate cancer, skin cancer, liver cancer, endometrial cancer, and colorectal cancer…these are the cancer types that coffee drinkers are protected from.

According to the American Cancer Society, coffee does contain antioxidants that can help decrease the odds of getting specific types of cancer. However, their latest research cautions that studies reveal a mixed bag of results. So discuss this with your physician before proceeding.

9. …and Neurodegenerative Diseases Too!

Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and dementia are very common diseases of the nervous system and are practically incurable.

Prevention is key, and the caffeine found in coffee is just what the doctor ordered.

Regularly drinking coffee greatly lowers your risk (up to 65% for Alzheimer’s) of contracting these terminal diseases.

10. Coffee and Happiness Go Hand-in-Hand

When you feel sad and depressed, it means that the mood neurotransmitters in your body (such as dopamine and serotonin) are very low.

Drinking coffee immediately boosts the production of these neurotransmitters and switches your mood to a much happier one.

In fact, coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from depression or commit suicide.

The Takeaway: A Word (or Two) of Caution for Those Who Drink Coffee Every Day

It is safe to say that regular coffee consumption offers invaluable benefits to both our physical and mental health, reduces the odds of contracting deadly diseases, and invariably elongates our lifespans.

However, this is no reason to go overboard when drinking coffee. A wise man once said, ‘Moderation is the key to lasting enjoyment.

Four to six cups of coffee in a day should be your maximum limit to avoid caffeine toxicity in your bloodstream. Without overdoing it, you can feel safe to brew away!

If you’re caffeine-sensitive, pregnant, or not yet an adult, it’s advisable to completely stay away from coffee or at most, limit your intake to a single cup every day. If you have any questions about how drinking coffee might impact your specific health, check in with your doctor.

buy me a coffee
Peculiar Erhis is an experienced blogger and author, who loves to challenge herself and expand her knowledge. She is fearless and will accept any new assignment, even if she must (literally in the case of gardening!) roll up her sleeves and put her hands in the dirt.

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