Adopting a Pet? 7 Useful Considerations for an Easy Transition


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Are you adopting a pet soon?

Statistics show that more than one in three American homes owns a pet. The number of homes with animal companions skyrocketed due to the pandemic. Most homes keep more than one pet. And although dogs and cats are the most popular animal pets, the species variety is also tremendous. 

The benefits of having a kitty or doggy to share your couch, talk with, take walks and take care of are irrefutable. Are you thinking of bringing a pet home?

Of course, the excitement of having a new family member and all the DIY projects you can do could be driving your yes answer. But moving in with a pet should not be a spontaneous decision. There are several factors to consider, and here are some of the most important ones. 

Most articles examine how adopting a pet impacts the animal. However, this article challenges you to examine your readiness before you bring home a new furry friend.

1 – Assess Your Commitment Level When Adopting a Pet

Will you take your pet for walks, feed them regularly and keep them and their environment clean without fail? Will you be there to play with them, check if they are unwell, and take them to the vet as often as you must? If the answer is no to any of these questions, you may want to reconsider moving in with a pet. 

Although there are some intelligent animals and low-demand pets, bringing a pet home often demands high levels of commitment. 

In some cases, parents would give in to pet requests by their kids. They often desire it would help nurture a sense of responsibility in the child. Whereas this may work, it also calls for the parent to have 100% commitment to taking care of the pet! So, consider your commitment levels before you move in with a pet. 

carpet stain

2 – Is Your Lifestyle Conducive to Caretaking?

Closely related to the first factor is your lifestyle. Would a pet fit into your lifestyle? Picking a pet based on how cute they look is ill-advised. You should consider the care requirements for the particular species and whether these would match your lifestyle. 

For example, moving in with a high-energy small breed dog could be frustrating if you are seldom at home. Whether you travel for leisure or business, you would require a pet sitter or a daycare facility – an additional expense. If you have a busy lifestyle and still want an animal companion at home, consider moving in with a low-demand pet like a Budgie bird, goldfish, or a bearded dragon. 

3 – What Is The City’s Pet Laws and Apartment Rules?

You could be committed and may have found a pet that perfectly fits your lifestyle, but is it permitted at your location? Every city has unique laws regulating animal ownership, and you should consider these before moving in with a pet. 

Whether you fancy moving in with a popular animal or an exotic species, like certain reptiles, you cannot afford to be flippant about city laws. Some states have laws restricting certain exotic species, while others forbid particular breeds of dogs, especially those considered aggressive. 

Also, check with the building management concerning pet rules and whether they are allowed. No one wants to receive a no pets allowed notice after your animal companion moves in. 

4 – Think About the Impact on the Neighbors

You could be thinking that moving in with a pet would only affect you and your space, but that is not true. It would also affect your neighbors and the community, and this is why there are city pet laws in the first place. Your newfound roomie could bark through the night and disturb neighbors. They could also damage your neighbor’s property or hurt someone. 

It is, therefore, crucial to consider how moving in with your pet would affect the neighbors. As you think about the impact the pet would have on the community, consider how you can restrain them and how to mitigate the risks. For example, think about taking up a special homeowners insurance policy.  

5 – What’s the Impact of a Pet on Your Health

Studies indicate that 10 and 20 percent of Americans suffer from dog and cat allergies. Moving in with a pet would not be advisable if you have such allergies. Of course, there is information about hypoallergenic cats and dogs, and you might be considering such. But the truth is such breeds are often not truly hypoallergenic. The risk of allergens is still present, but it is lower. 

There are other numerous health implications of moving in with a pet. Since your health is primarily your responsibility, plan to chat with your doctor about the move before you make it. 

6 – The Pet’s Health

Not only does your health matter, but the pet’s wellbeing is paramount. Before moving in with a pet, consider the health needs. Plan a visit to a vet nearby and interview them concerning the health needs of your preferred pet.

A vet is an excellent resource person when it comes to moving in with a pet. They can advise you about pets that would suit your lifestyle and give you tips on various issues concerning companion animals

As you chat with different vets, remember it’s not their friendliness towards humans (you) that counts. A good vet will offer you honest advice regardless of whether it sounds good to you or not. 

pet proof your patio

7 – Adopting a Pet Can Make Changes to Your Home and Budget

So, you want to move in with a pet. But is your home ready for one?

Moving in with a pet often requires you to make several adjustments to the home and your wallet. You may have to redecorate some parts or do a few DIY projects to accommodate your new roomie. You may have to move furniture or build a chicken coop in your yard. Whatever it is, your home will never be the same.

Also, having a pet at home requires adjustments in your budget. All the factors above have a financial implication that you must consider first.

The Takeaway: Adopting a Pet Takes Careful Consideration

The above factors will cause you to think twice about moving in with a pet. But that’s the point. Many wanna-be pet owners often abandon animals at shelters for reasons such as being too demanding, needy, or costly. Considering these factors will help you become a better pet parent.

Deborah Tayloe is a full-time blogger, children's book author, and freelance writer, contributing to large publications. She has a B.S.Ed. in Secondary Education/English and a Spanish Minor. In addition, she holds a Certificates in Natural Health and Herbology from accredited programs. She pursued these natural wellness certifications due to her love for herb gardening. Despite freelancing to make a living, her love is "all things home." Deborah grew up in a family that grew a large vegetable garden and a fruit orchard, helping her parents pull weeds and can home-grown foods as part of her childhood. In fact, she had no idea that she could purchase veggies and fruits in pre-packed steel cans until she went to college and made a food run. Today, she lives in Bertie County, North Carolina, an agricultural rural area with more chickens than people. She lives with her husband and two rescue pets a sweet toy fox terrier and a cat who showed up one day and moved into the house. Together, they enjoy DIY projects, furniture refinishing, gardening, and canning.

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