Tag: safety

5 Design Elements That Can Impact a Burglar’s Perception of Your Home

Have you ever wondered what makes a burglar choose one particular home over its neighbors? Here are some features they look for.

Home Safety Checklist for Mobility Challenges

Does a loved one have mobility challenges in your home? These adjustments can make things safer and more accessible for everyone.

Older Adults in Your Home? Try These 4 Safety Tips

Older adults need our help and protection. Here are four everyday things that become hazards for our senior citizen friends and family.

Personal Safety Tips to Avoid Being a Violent Crime Victim

Read 17 personal safety tips that can help you learn how to protect yourself and deter violent criminals from targeting you next.

Safeguard Your Home Before Travel With 5 Easy Tips

Safeguard your home and protect your treasures while you travel by following these 5 common-sense, easy safety tips.

20 Essential Emergency Items Always to Keep in Your Car

Keeping these twenty emergency items in your can can make the difference between life and death--or at least add safety in a breakdown.