Tag: mashed sweet potatoes

Easy Recipe: How To Make Peanut Crusted Sweet Potatoes

We're halfway through the holidays. Thanksgiving is a week or two behind us and Christmas is just three weeks away from today. In the south, 'tis the season for all things sweet potatoes.  This is an easy recipe to make--peanut crusted sweet potatoes.

Nigeria Style Savory Sweet Potatoes, Easy + Tasty Leftovers

This year's Thanksgiving is barely two days away, and like all other Thanksgivings before it, there is going to be lots and lots of...

Freezing Sweet Potatoes (Without Them Turning Brown)

Freezing sweet potatoes without them turning brown can be challenging. There's nothing worse than doing all the work of freezing, only to have your lovely potatoes turn from that gorgeous sunset orange to the color of rust by the time you serve them.