Tag: Gardening

Marigold: A Comprehensive Guide to Planting and Caring for These Favorite Flowers

Marigold: This is a long-time gardener's favorite not only for it's easy-going personality and sunny heads, but for companion planting.

5 Tasks to Make a Clean Sweep Before You Plant a Springtime Garden

Make a clean sweep of your yard before you start "digging in" to you springtime garden. Tackle these five maintenance tasks, first!

The 3 Most Important Gardening Secrets for Busy Gardeners

Busy gardeners want to dabble in the dirt, but they are realistic about time commitments. Here are the three most important secrets to know.

Should You Hire a Landscaping Pro or DIY? 5 Considerations to Think About

Should you hire a landscaping pro to transform your yard into a beautiful, restful retreat or DIY? There are definitely times when you can design...

Rain Chains: The Ultimate Way to Divert Rain Without Downspouts

Rain chains are a beautiful but still effective to divert water away from your home without adding unsightly gutter downspouts. Learn more.

Liriope: What Are The Best Care Tips for Growing Attractive Monkey Grass?

Liriope aka monkey grass aka lilyturf, is so easy to add to your landscape plan. Here are the best planting and care tips for success.