Create That Perfect Family Home


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Does the perfect family home even exist?

Sometimes it’s hard to envision the perfect family home. And that’s because you know there are so many nightmares that are going on in your own. Exhibit A:  the new carpet being stained by the dinner your children chucked onto the floor. Exhibit B: the once perfectly white walls that now have paint and coloring all over them.

The truth is you’re never going to have a totally perfect family home while you have children in it, no matter how old they are. As their ages change you’ll start to notice that it goes from struggling to get them to stop drawing on the walls, to struggling to get them to leave their bedroom to bring down the mountain of clothes and cups and dishes that need washing.

But there is one thing we can all say to be true about a family home. No other place beats it.

As long as you’re a happy and healthy family there’s always going to be love flying around your home. Knowing that a family home won’t ever be truly perfect should stop you from getting as close as you possibly can. All you have to do is keep on reading this article and we’ll give you a few of the tips that we think will work for your home.

Creating the Perfect Family Home. (Well, almost)

Here’s how you can bring your family home closer to your ideal

1 – Get Rid Of Anything Unwanted 

There are no doubt going to be unwanted things in your home that you just haven’t got around to taking out yet. We know how easy it is for the home to become clogged up, especially when you have children. Nothing is easy when you have mountains of toys strewn about. Worse yet,  you spend so much time buying them new clothes and toys, but they’re never willing to throw out the old ones. So you’re left with a landslide of things, and that’s just from the kids.

So many families have old furniture sitting outside of the house that they just haven’t got around to using yet, or a spare room full of boxes that are yet to be shifted. All you have to do is have a big clean out of all of these sorts of items, and you’ll be on your way to feeling like you have a fresh mind. You won’t believe how much your home can clog your mind when you know there are so many things that are stored away and never getting used. This is a chance for you to do something better and donate a lot of it to charities. The work that charities do is growing year on year, and everything you donate could go to a great cause of helping these charities make their money. 

2 – Dealing With Nightmares 

There will no doubt be nightmares that come your way, and we’re not talking about the nightmares that kids have and will run into your room to hide from at all crazy hours of the night. We’re writing about what might give you nightmares if you don’t get it sorted. Think about some home invaders that you definitely might want to get rid of. Depending on where you live in the world will determine whether you’re going to get pests in your home.

If you like out of the way of cities and big towns, your likelihood of getting infestations of creepy crawlies is far more likely because you’re surrounded by more. A Pest control service can easily come into your home and get rid of the problem for you. It’s better to do this sooner rather than later if you know you’ve got a problem. Some homeowners leave it for so long because they fail to recognize that there is such a problem going on. It then transpires that a whole family of something you don’t want to be living in your walls is living in your walls.

There are other nightmare problems that happen in a family home, and one of them is the heating and water breaking. Your family needs showers and needs hot water all day long, it causes an absolute nightmare when it breaks. 24-hour services do exist and we’d recommend paying for one rather than waiting a week or more for a regular engineer to be free. It’s a far quicker solution. 

3 – Getting The Home More Organized

There are so many ways that you can get your home more organized, especially if you have had a big clean out the last few months, or indeed you have one after reading the advice in this article. Getting more organized allows you to move more freely in your home and to generally feel calmer in your mind.

They say a tidy desk is a tidy mind, well imagine what it’s like to have a completely tidy home. So, to organize it we’d think about using space-saving solutions such as furniture. So many footstools now lift up to reveal a decent size storage space. If you have a family and usually store toys in a box, this is a great alternative. Getting storage in your wardrobe is also another solution. Boxes can become storage space for your makeup and anything else you need in your room.

As for the kids’ rooms, you can get hanging baskets on the walls. They become a decorative feature that’s great for storing clothes, toys, or anything else you might need in the room.

4 – Make A Family Home Filled with Fun

Finally, the perfect family home is not all about what it looks like. Sometimes it’s the family fun that you have inside of it that determines how much of a perfect home it is. So, to make it all about family fun, you should have a family games night each week. This is a night that can be played with all ages of children. You will just have to tailor it depending on how old they are. Try video gaming with your kids or board games. Regardless, it’s a great way to have fun. And, you’ll spend quality time with your family that you might not usually get. 

Deborah Tayloe is a full-time blogger, children's book author, and freelance writer, contributing to large publications. She has a B.S.Ed. in Secondary Education/English and a Spanish Minor. In addition, she holds a Certificates in Natural Health and Herbology from accredited programs. She pursued these natural wellness certifications due to her love for herb gardening. Despite freelancing to make a living, her love is "all things home." Deborah grew up in a family that grew a large vegetable garden and a fruit orchard, helping her parents pull weeds and can home-grown foods as part of her childhood. In fact, she had no idea that she could purchase veggies and fruits in pre-packed steel cans until she went to college and made a food run. Today, she lives in Bertie County, North Carolina, an agricultural rural area with more chickens than people. She lives with her husband and two rescue pets a sweet toy fox terrier and a cat who showed up one day and moved into the house. Together, they enjoy DIY projects, furniture refinishing, gardening, and canning.

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