Tag: gardening tips

The Best Grass Types for DIY Landscaping Projects

Choosing the best grass types for your your particular climate can make or break your DIY landscaping project. Read how to pick the right one,

3 Ways Planter Boxes Spruce Up Your Urban Property

Read why planter boxes are key in adding color, texture, and life to any urban property, whether growing flowers, herbs, or vegetables.

7 Signs It’s Time for Tree Removal: Protecting Your Property and Safety

Learn why tree removal is a key way to increase safety and beauty in your yard. Without removing dead or dying trees, you create a hazard.

Juniper: Ultimate Planting and Care Guide (2024)

Juniper is a lanscaping classic. It's not a single plant but an entire genus that brings evergreen beauty to your yard. Read how to grow it,

Are Daylilies Invasive Species?

Are daylilies invasive in your flower beds? That answer largely depends on your gardening goals. Read the pros and cons.

6 Best Tips for a Flourishing Garden

Learn six key tips and tricks that will help you grow and enjoy the most flourishing garden you have ever planted.