DIY Home Garden

Acorn Squash: An Easy Care and Planting Guide for a Super Healthy Food

Acorn squash (Cucurbita pepo var. turbinate). Will this nutrient-dense vegetable find its way to your table this fall? I hope the answer is yes.

A corn squash is a favorite for both novice and seasoned gardeners considering its ease of growing and care, plus it’s hardy, fast-maturing, and high-yielding.

The dark-green fruit features a rounded acorn-like shape with sweet orange flesh inside.

Native to North and Central America, acorn thrives in almost all climates with growing seasons lasting from the last early spring frost to the fall’s first frost.

It especially grows best in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 and above.

Frequently Asked Questions About Acorn Squash

Before we explore the step-by-step growing and care guide, here are the answers to some of the commonly asked questions about acorn squash.

How long do acorn squash take to grow?

Acorn squash takes approximately seventy to a hundred days to mature from seed to harvest.

How long do squash plants produce? Will acorn squash keep producing?

Most squashes continue fruiting until killed by the fall frost, although production declines after about four weeks.

How many acorn squash will one plant produce?

Acorn squash plants are high-yielding with some varieties, like the ‘Honey Bear’, producing over four fruits per plant.

Usually, though, not all ripen at the same time; meaning you can continue the harvest until all the squashes ripen.

What does acorn squash look like when it’s growing?

Acorn squash plants feature large vines (that can spread up to twelve feet, depending on the available space) on which grow large green leaves and trumpet-like yellow blossoms that precede fruit production.

Depending on the variety, the stout, round, and ridged fruits can either be dark green, bright yellow, white or variegated on the outside.

The dark green variety is the most common, usually, with yellow and bright orange spotting on the top or side.

How do I know when my acorn squash is ready to pick?

Your acorn squash is ready for harvest once the skin thickens (hardens) and can resist piercing by a fingernail.

Alternatively, when the plant’s stem (attached to the fruit) withers and becomes brown, it is a good indication that the fruit has fully ripened.

Harvest just before your area’s first hard frost of the growing season.

acorn squash

Should you prune acorn squash plants?

Acorn squash plants don’t necessarily require pruning; however, it’s a great way to speed things up, especially, when the growing season is coming to a close.

By pruning, you help the plant redirect its energy into ripening and plumping up the existing fruits—rather than foliage production. You can also prune the plants if you’re short on space.

Should I pinch off squash flowers?

Though not necessary, removing the flowers helps boost the plants’ yield.

Normally, squash plants produce fewer female blooms than males, so you can pinch off the excess male flowers to allow the plants to focus on fruit development.

To help you differentiate the two; female flowers exhibit a tiny fruit beneath the flower while the males grow on long narrow stems.

Also, look at the reproductive organs at the center of the flower. Females carry the stigma.

Why are my squash leaves turning yellow and dying?

Squash leaves will most likely yellow out when inadequately or excessively watered.

Be sure to offer the plants at least an inch of water a week to keep the soil moist (approximately 8-12 inches down) so the squash stays hydrated.

The yellowing could also be caused by nutritional imbalance, pests (mainly whiteflies and squash bugs), or bacterial wilt.

Your best bet against all these is preventive. Ensure your plants are properly watered and fertilized to minimize their vulnerability to pests and diseases.

Should you remove yellow leaves from squash plants?

No, unless it’s a bacterial wilt issue, in which case, the leaves will quickly wilt once the yellowing begins, then eventually brown and die off. There isn’t a way around this disease.

Otherwise, avoid removing the leaves because doing so further exposes the plant to bacteria, viruses, and other parasites.

Why is my squash so small? And How do you increase yield in squash?

Squash under-development may be a result of several factors including nutrient deficiency, poorly draining soils, insufficient soil moisture, unbalanced soil pH level, cold temperatures, inadequate exposure to direct sunlight, and pressure from pests and diseases.

To boost your squash productivity and ensure maximum fruit development, make sure the soil is well-draining and organic-matter rich, the plants are adequately hydrated, and the soil pH is right (6.0-6.8).

The flowers should also be well pollinated. If you have no bees around or are hardly visited by pollinators, consider using a paintbrush to hand-pollinate the blooms.

Avoid fertilizing during flowering and fruiting periods, unless necessary, as too much fertilizer may trigger blossom drop or reduced fruiting.

How do you thin out squash plants?              

Identify the tallest and strongest seedlings you’d like to keep then prune out the weaker, smaller ones using your fingers.

Alternatively use a pair of sharp gardening scissors.

Avoid yanking out the weaker seedlings so you don’t hurt the other plants’ root systems.

What happens if you don’t thin seedlings?

When left un-thinned, crowded seedlings will compete for light, nutrients, root space, and other essential growth needs, therefore, compromising their development and productivity.

It also increases their susceptibility to diseases.

How often should I water my squash plants?

Irrigate your squash plants once every week with an inch of water, but more frequently in extremely hot weather or if you have sandy soil.

Should I top squash plants?

This depends on the space you have available for the plant and what works best for you.

As long as you don’t injure the main vine, pruning back won’t hurt your squash plants, their fruits, or diminish their flavor.

It’s the best way to train the plant to grow within the allocated area.

Can you eat squash leaves?

Squash leaves (greens) are not only edible but also delicious and highly nutritious, says a horticulturist. The younger, tender leaves are more palatable.

They contain healthy vitamins and minerals like iron and calcium, vitamins A, B, C, and K, phosphorus, copper, and magnesium. These nutrients help boost your immune system and support your overall health.

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How to Grow Acorn Squash

You can either grow acorn squash from seeds or buy seedlings from your local garden center, preferably in the spring.

Site Preparation and Planting

If starting the seeds indoors, use biodegradable peat pots that dissolve into the ground, so the roots remain intact during transplanting.

Note: Acorn squash won’t tolerate frost, so delay planting until after all the danger of frost has passed.

Caring for Acorn Squash

Offer a feed—To quench their heavy appetite for nutrients, be sure to fertilize your acorn squash plants with a balanced liquid fertilizer or compost tea every fourteen to twenty-one days during the growing season.

Alternatively, add manure or compost to the mounds halfway into the growing season.

Harvesting Acorn Squash

Click the image to learn how to make a delicious zucchini soup (you can substitute acorn squash!)

Final Thoughts on Growing Acorn Squash

An excellent source of vitamins, fiber, iron, and powerful antioxidants, acorn squash plays a vital role in your overall health—the more reason it shouldn’t miss on your gardening list this season.

However, be sure to choose the right variety that suits your growing season and space needs.

For shorter growing seasons or if intending to plant after your earlier spring harvest, choose a fast-maturing variety like the Table Ace (taking only around eighty days to mature).

To save on space, consider growing the squashes upright on a sturdy fence or trellis so you train them to your desired direction and shape. Use mesh bags to reinforce the existing fruit support system, if necessary.

Now that you have everything you need to successfully grow and harvest acorn squash, it’s time to get to work!

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