DIY Home Garden

How to Grow and Care for Lilacs

Lilacs are one such easy-to-grow and care for shrub which not only offers aromatherapy benefits (owing to its calming effects) but is also used for medical purposes. In first aid, the fragrant essential oil is used to treat skin conditions like sunburns, rashes,  and minor cuts.

To many, it’s a cherished plant owing to the pleasant smell and beautiful flowers it brings forth—officially announcing the arrival of spring.

The color of the flowers varies depending on the soil type, weather (dry versus wet AND hot versus cool), environment, year, and of course, the overall location differences.

Among the numerous varying types and color of lilacs are:

Types of Lilacs

Growing lilacs

Lilacs do well in rich, well-drained soil with a neutral pH value (that is, slightly acidic to slightly alkaline), usually between 6.5 and 7.0.

They mostly prefer loamy soils but can still thrive in clay soils, though not as well. Best planting time is either in the spring or fall.

When exposed to full sun (at least 6 hours of sunlight a day), lilacs speak volumes in their blooms; which is, of course, the opposite of when you grow them in full shade.  Some little shade—yes, but they won’t bloom as well as when in full sun.

USDA hardiness growing zones range from 3-7 for most of the lilac varieties as they require the freeze of winter to break dormancy and put forth flowers.

Lilac roots thrive best in well-drained soil, and so, water fully. However, avoid overwatering as this may lead to poor blooms, and in some cases, rotting problems.

Here are some watering tips:

Watering tips for your shrub


Applying mulch helps ensure the soil maintains a consistent amount of moisture while also improving the health of the plants.

Note: Yellowing of lilac leaves and or wilting on the lower branches is an indication of overly wet soil. Therefore, ensure you don’t over-mulch; otherwise, you’ll be encouraging soil problems such as rot and diseases, especially if you reside in moist coastal areas.

Pruning your shrubs

Pruning your lilacs will help promote blooming and also ensure good air circulation. This, in turn, prevents powdery mildew—a fungal disease that usually covers the leaves with a grey-white powder.

In the following year (in the late winter) select and retain the several strong and healthy shoots for the formation of the shrub framework.

Remove all the other shoots at ground level then cut back all the retained shoots to a level just above the bud to promote branching.

Prune regularly and ensure the health and vigorous growth (bloom for that matter) of your lilacs by cutting some of the oldest branches at least every 3-5 years.

purple flowersCaring for lilacs

Generally, lilacs require very minimal maintenance if at all you want to show them some loving. Otherwise, they can survive on their own.

Just look at any old abandoned farmhouses where these splendid flowers exist; you’ll notice they still bloom vigorously. Call it “self-care”…they know how to do it best.

But to significantly improve your lilacs:

Propagation tip

Want more lilacs? Then propagate by simply cutting a shoot (in the spring) from the mother plant.

Wait until fall before getting it out to allow it to grow some roots. This process is essential for the successful growth of the plant and its sustenance from season to season.

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