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7 Clever Hacks for a Posh Lawn

lawn in spring

Well-tended lawns and gardens add to your home exterior appeal.

Lawn care is a necessary chore. If you’re trying to outshine your neighbors, though, here’s how!

You look onto your neighbors’ lawn. And you wonder just how they manage to keep their gardens green and healthy throughout the seasons. It’s not that difficult—simply water correctly, fertilize on time, and do the mowing as required. In addition to these, consider aerating your lawn at least once a year as it helps reduce soil compaction, which then allows water, air, and nutrients to reach grassroots.  

Here is a little more on the hints for a healthy green lawn that’s guaranteed to stand even the harshest weather conditions like drought. Follow them, and you’ll be on your way to that posh lawn you always long for.

7 Hacks for a Green, Lush Lawn

1 – Avoid fertilizing in the peak of summer

Ideally, you should feed your lawn at least twice a year, which should be done at the right time; otherwise, you’ll be encouraging weed growth or a possible burning of the grass.

In the peak of summer (the same case with winter), most grass species go dormant; thus don’t require extra fertilizer. The reason being—it only adds more stress to the plant, and in some instances, leaves behind a burning effect.

The best time for fertilizer application is when the grass is actively growing. For instance, the cool-season grass experiences peak growth in early spring and early fall—which are then the optimal seasons to treat your lawn for this type of grass. 

2 – Watering during late summer

Late summer is the time when your grass reawakens from dormancy considering the decline in soil temperature and increase in the amount of rainfall (at least for most parts)—both of which allow for a new grass root growth.

Consider watering thrice weekly with 1/3 to ½ inch, unless rainfall is sufficient.

Also, remember that late summer is one of the best times to promote grass re-growth—and so, fertilize, mow frequently, control weeds, re-seed, and water smartly.

3 – Sharpen your blades

Sharp lawn mower blades not only help cut down the amount of mowing time but also leave behind an even clean cut that allows your lawn to recover quickly with minimized chances of diseases.

You may need to sharpen your blades mid-season or as frequently as required depending on the frequency of use. If  you do not use sharp lawn mower blades, you risk damaging the grass, giving your lawn a brown appearance.

4 – Cut the grass set high

Though mowing needs may vary with grass species, a height of 3 inches or taller is recommended as it helps promote deep digging roots, improve turf density and color, aids your lawn’s water conservation efforts, and also protects it from diseases.

To achieve such a height, consider setting your lawnmower on the highest setting as opposed to the middle one—which often gives the shortest cutting.

5 – Edge with a string trimmer

Use a string trimmer (and not a lawnmower) to cut grass edges for neater and uniform edges.

A string trimmer, also known as line trimmer or lawn trimmer, helps minimize scarring, scalping, and shredding risks associated with lawn mowing. The tool comes in rechargeable battery cordless form, gas, and electric corded versions.

As is the case with almost all power tools, consider wearing protective gear when operating a string trimmer, ensure there are no bystanders and that the place is clear of any metals, glass pieces, or stone—which can fly onto your face when caught by the line.

6 – Overseed with second or third grass species

In as much as it doesn’t work for all grass species, overseeding remains one of the most effective ways to enhance the quality of your lawn—it makes your lawn thick, healthy, young, and free of weeds.

All you’ve got to do is to spread the grass seed over the existing lawn. However, you have to master the spreading trick and know when to do it.

Late summer or early fall are ideal overseeding seasons (especially for cool-season grasses) as they allow for enough time for the seeds to germinate and get established before temperatures drop.

The proper amounts of rainfall and soil moisture in the fall guarantee faster root establishment. Thus, you minimize chances of grass loss in the event of a hot, dry spring.

7 – Treat for pests

Perhaps the question here is—how often should you treat your lawn for pests?

Prevention is always better than cure, you know. And a bi-monthly lawn treatment is the surest way to keep pests off your lawn, and home as well. This is because a single pest prevention service you execute can serve you well for an average of 60 days.

Striving for a Posh Lawn

A posh lawn doesn’t only enhance your curb appeal but also play several crucial roles, including:

It also generates part of the oxygen you enjoy as fresh air in your home.

Ready for some peace of mind? Improve your physical and mental well-being as well as that of your family by implementing the above simple yet useful tips, which ensure your lawn remains healthy and robust even to fight the troublesome pests and diseases. You’ll love the posh look of your grass.

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