DIY Home Garden

How to Grow & Care for Strawberries in Pots or Containers

Once you master how to grow strawberries in pots, you will grow them forever. It’s that addictive. And with good reason.

For one, nothing compares to the flavorful, juicy, fill-the-mouth taste that these delicacies are packed with.

Strawberries are also rich in fiber, vitamin C, and other powerful antioxidants believed to benefit heart health and help manage blood sugar.

The best part is that they aren’t fussy about soil or climate, which makes them easy to grow and care for—whether in pots or in-ground—as long as they get adequate sunlight.

Literally, all strawberries will fruit just as well in pots as with in-ground growing, only that you have to employ a few tricks to boost your chances of a successful harvest.

Ensure you choose the right strawberry variety, pot, and quality soil. The rest is simple cultivation practices, as we’ll see later in this post.

FAQs on Growing Strawberry Plants in Pots for Your Container Garden🍓

Before you read how to plant these juicy sweet berries in pots, it might be worth your time to review some of the frequently asked questions across the internet on the topic.

container gardening
I love the versatility of my stacking pots; I grow my strawberries in these.

What is the best container for growing strawberries?

Terracotta pots, hanging baskets, and special strawberry planters will offer your berries the comfort they need; however, for a more natural rustic effect, try willow window boxes or recycle an old vegetable/wooden wine crate.

Repurposed wheelbarrows and animal drinking troughs are also great options. Remember that whatever you opt for caters to the plants’ drainage needs.

What are the benefits of growing strawberries in containers?

There are numerous unique benefits to growing your berries in containers, including:

What is the best soil for strawberry plants?

How to Grow Strawberries in Pots (from crowns or transplants)

You can start your strawberries from seed, transplants, or bare-root crowns. Depending on the propagation method you choose, ensure the timing is right.

For cold-stored bare-root runners, late spring through early summer works best.

Exposed from the cold and won over, they’ll get away quite fast to fruit.

Ideally, some transplants or pot-sold strawberries should fruit the same summer. When you purchase your bare roots, check the label–the growth cycle depends on the variant.

1 – Fill the pot with potting soil

2 – Add the strawberry plants

3 – Add some sunshine ☀️

4 – Water and fertilize the strawberries as they grow

Winter Care for Your Potted Strawberry Plants

Wondering what to do with strawberry plants in pots at the end of the season? You don’t want to dispose of them, of course.

Best Strawberry Varieties for Pots (or Containers)

NameTypeFruiting TimeFruit DescriptionPropagates ViaHardiness Zone
FrescaCommon garden strawberry (ever-bearing/day-neutral)Mid-summer to the first frostMedium-sized regular fruitRunners, seeds, or dividing mature plants4-8
Yellow WonderWild/woodland strawberry (ever-bearing)Mid-summer to the first frostSmall, sweet, pale yellow gourmet strawberriesDividing mature plants or seeds6-8
MignonetteWild/alpine/woodland strawberry (ever-bearing)Mid-summer to the first frostSmall round fruitSeeds or division of mature plants4-9
AlexandriaWoodland strawberryMid-summer to the first frostSmall elongated fruitDividing mature plants or seeds6-8
AlbionCommon garden strawberry (ever-bearing/day-neutral)Mid-summer to the first frostLarge regular fruitRunners4-8

How to Grow Strawberries in Pots from Seeds

The best time to start your strawberries from seed is in December.

You grow strawberries from seed with a process called cold stratification, placing the seeds in a zipper top bag in your freezer. That “forced winter” tricks the seeds into deep dormancy. Removing them from the freezer sends the message to the little seeds that spring is here (even when it’s not) so they can “wake up” and begin their growth cycle.

Here’s how to do it.

The Takeaway: Once You Learn How to Grow Strawberries in Pots, It Becomes Obsessive (in a good way!)                         

So now you know how to grow strawberries in pots. Let the fun part begin! Get those hands dirty. Simply, plant, irrigate, feed, and enjoy the fresh, filling aroma of your home-grown strawberries.

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